On June 9th, an /r/SCP moderator submitted a post titled 'The First Amendment and You: How to Avoid Getting Your Knickers in a Twist Because of Some Colors,' which announced that complaints about the logo would be ignored. Popular canons include 'Unfounded', 'Resurrection' and 'lolFoundation'. No official canon of the universe exists, and users are free to propose their own storylines that are backed up with stories. While SCP entries are the primary focus of the website, there are many stories on the site which give a backstory to the Foundation, the organization that contains anomalous objects. Thaumiel – Classified anomalous object that is utilized (or was created) by the Foundation.Keter – Object is notably difficult to contain, and more often than not is highly dangerous to humanity.Euclid – Object requires strict containment, and in some instances can be dangerous if not under constant supervision.Safe – Object is either sufficiently understood, easily contained, or harmless.SCP objects are divided into four classes: Additionally, many entries have addenda that usually contain experiment logs, incident reports or notices left by the staff assigned to the object. Every SCP entry explains in full detail the description and containment procedures of the object it describes.